Scott Syroka served as an appointee in the Biden Administration. Prior to the Biden Administration, Scott served in local government as an At-Large Member of the Johnston, Iowa City Council.

After being elected with a record number of votes in a 5-way field, he oversaw a $70 MM annual operating budget with 190+ employees. He increased competition in the local broadband market, established a grant program for COVID-afflicted small businesses, and improved access to key public buildings for families with special needs. During his time in office, the city property tax rate decreased to its lowest level in more than ten years.

In 2020, Scott worked on the Biden campaign as Director of States Paid Media. In this role, he led a team responsible for close to $100 MM in digital, TV, radio, and out-of-home advertising across nearly 20 battleground states in the middle of a global pandemic. He also served on the Biden campaign’s Iowa Latino Leadership Council and as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.

He and his team received recognition for their work by The AMEC Awards (Gold), The International Content Marketing Awards (Gold), The OBIE Awards, The Pollie Awards (2x Gold winner, including Presidential TV Ad of the Year), The Shorty Awards, The Telly Awards, and The Webby Awards.

Scott first started in politics during the 2008 election cycle, including community organizing as a field fellow in Iowa for then-Senator Barack Obama.

Beyond politics, Scott previously worked at Google on high-profile brand marketing efforts like the annual Year in Search film, the /About site, Google Doodles, and the Grow with Google initiative.

Over the years, his work has been covered by multiple news organizations, including ABC News, Adweek, Bloomberg, CBS News, The Des Moines Register, Detroit Free Press, McClatchy, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, The New York Times, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Poynter, The Verge, and more.

Scott is a graduate of Georgetown University and Johnston High School in Johnston, Iowa.